Privacy Policy

Monarch Exterior Solutions privacy policy covers the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information that may be collected when you visit this website. We are sensitive to your privacy on the Internet. Whenever possible, we will attempt to treat the information about you we receive on the Internet with care deemed reasonable under the circumstances. The personal information we may collect is used by us only to respond to your inquiry, process a request, or allow you to contact the owner. Monarch Exterior Solutions may also use any personal information provided by you to measure the use of this site and to improve its content.

At times cookies may be used to help us serve you better. A cookie is a tiny element of data sent by a web site to your browser, which may then be stored on your hard drive so we can recognize you when you return. You may set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie and, if you wish, to reject it. We do not release to anyone outside of Monarch Exterior Solutions personally identifiable data which we have gathered from your visit to our web page unless compelled by law, with your informed consent, to fulfill a request you have given to us, or to protect us against unlawful activity, fraud, or any danger to public safety. Note also that Monarch Exterior Solutions website contain links to other sites. While we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content or the privacy practices employed by other sites.


Monarch Exterior Solutions has one goal in mind: to provide professional service requests to our customers. We only request and store information that helps us to provide the best service to our customers.

What we retain

We retain the following data as provided by our customers at the time their requests are submitted:

  • Name (as provided)
  • Company
  • Mailing Address
  • Email Address
  • Telephone
  • Service Request
  • How you found us
  • Details on Your Request
  • IP Address (For Security Purposes)

This data is stored on Online Media Designs servers and is not shared with any outside party for any reason. It is used exclusively to enable us to provide service to our customers, and maintain the security of their accounts.

Google Analytics & Clicky

We do utilize Google Analytics and Clicky on our website(s), as part of doing business. We use information gathered by Google Analytics and Clicky to better understand our customers’ needs and to detect any issues users are having with our websites.

Sponsored Ads

Monarch Exterior Solutions may provide advertising opportunities on this website. Sponsored ads are located throughout zones on this website and allow any advertiser to purchase and submit ads on this website. For more information on how to advertise your products or services, click here.

Advertising and Re-marketing

On occasion, we have and will likely continue to promote our products and services through third-party advertising programs such as Google AdSense and Facebook. Re-marketing campaigns are currently not in use, though we have used them in the past. These campaigns use the advertiser’s third-party cookies and tracking software to determine if you’ve been to our website before, and if so, to better target advertising to you. We do not store any of the information gathered by advertising entities such as Google or Facebook ourselves.

Ratings, Reviews & Comments

Although you may post comments on this website freely, Monarch Exterior Solutions reserves the right to remove or delete any ratings, reviews or comments for any reason whatsoever. This website is designed to promote and offer positive reviews and experiences. Only one review per listing is allowed. Please refrain from posting offensive, obscene, threatening or abusive comments.

Social Media

Monarch Exterior Solutions invites all of it's website visitors to feel free to share and recommend your favorite images, pages, videos, etc. Social sharing tools are provided and are used to track and improve content on this website.


Monarch Exterior Solutions may provide site visitors the opportunity to receive email based newsletter notifications related to this site. We do not sell or share your email addresses. Individuals who no longer want to receive email newsletters may remove their information from the private database in order to not receive future communications by subscribing to the opt-out database list. To remove your email from our database, simply click on the link "opt-out" or "remove email" located at the bottom of any newsletter and your email will be removed from the database. A reply email will also be sent with confirmation of your request.

Right to Erasure

If you would like to request to have your personal information removed from our servers, you may do so by submitting a request on our Contact Page or by email. All requests will be addressed within the time frame required under the new GDPR policies.